GarageSale 8.4.1 + Activator 4MacOS

GarageSale 8.4.1 macOS

GarageSale is a slick, full-featured client application for the eBay online auction system.

Create and manage your auctions with ease. With GarageSale, you can create, edit, track, and manage multiple auctions in a single, intuitive application. GarageSale even integrates with several international eBay sites, as well as with PayPal and Twitter, to provide a complete, robust eBay client.

Develop professional, attractive listings. GarageSale features iPhoto integration, what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) text editing, free image hosting, and over 130 free auction designs. And with these features, among many more, it’s never been easier to create professional, eye-catching eBay listings.

What’s New:

Version 8.4:

  • supports eBay’s new authentication mechanism, which is required for newer eBay API calls
  • fixes “Product Search” feature by using new eBay API
  • GarageSale generates a ‘mobile summary’ from the first 800 characters of your listing description when uploading listings, which does not include GarageSale’s version identifier string
  • the ‘Condition description’ attribute can be removed from a listing with the Revise command
  • added a new Preference settings (under eBay > Advanced) that prevents automatic switching to ‘Live’ view when listings are started
  • Order section: added context menu entries in the Orders section outline view to change order state (e.g. “shipped”) for selected orders
  • GarageSale will prevent you from starting auction-style listings, when the auto-cancel feature is enabled for such a listing
  • Attributes window: ‘autocomplete’ now works for certain attributes (e.g. ‘Artist’ attribute in LP/Records section)
  • added AppleScript command to manipulate shipping weights
  • text entered in the “user properties” area of the inspector is now searchable and can be used in smart groups
  • the ‘Reveal Original’ command is available from the overview context menu (middle area) in the listing section
  • the number of images used in a listing is shown in Editor mode
  • when GarageSale is already running, images dragged onto its Dock icon will get added to active listing
  • category panel and inspector now displays category id when the category was deleted by eBay
  • the Listing CSV Import panel remembers what separator character (coma, semicolon) was last used
  • the ‘Copy Listing Link’ and ‘Show Listing in Browser’ command in the outline view works with multiple listings selected
  • Synching: re-worked conflict algorithm to reduce the number of times the Conflict window appears
  • fixed problems with importing specifics from XML files
  • fixed a crash when category search returned a single result (e.g when searching for a category id)
  • fixed an issue where a click on the “shipped” checkbox in the orders section was not reflected on eBay
  • fixed possible crash when Attributes panel was open when GarageSale was about to quit
  • various crash fixes

Compatibility: OS X 10.12 or later


GarageSale 8.4.1 + Activator 4MacOS


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