Malloc VPN: Privacy & Security v2.08 Premium Mod Apk

Download Malloc Antistalker to enjoy private and secure online activity. Protect yourself from spyware!

This is an updated version of Antistalker Mobile Security!

Surf the web privately and freely
Connect to global & private VPN servers to hide your online activity such as the websites you visit or the files you download from spyware. Unblock geo-restircted apps, content and websites.

Scan your device for spyware and vulnerabilities
Detect in real time suspicious domains, spyware, data trackers or if your phone is rooted. Don’t let anyone invade your privacy.

Secure your data with VPN Data Shield
Protect from spyware with Malloc’s secure VPN. Block data sent to spyware, advertisers, data trackers, crypto miners and adult sites.

Protect your on-device privacy
Monitor when and which apps are using the camera and microphone of your phone. Mute your microphone for extra security!

No-logs policy
We don’t log your traffic or content of any communications. Your VPN connection reports only save on your phone.

Free Features of Malloc VPN Antistalker:
✓ Find out when and how long the camera or microphone are used in the Monitoring Console
✓ Report or add apps to the whitelist by swiping left.
✓ Check which applications have access to your microphone and camera using the Permissions Manager.

Premium Features for Advanced Protection:
✓ VPN Data Shield
Powerful encryption for top-grade data security and privacy. Protect from spyware and block advertisers, data trackers, crypto miners and adult sites that attempt to collect your data.
✓ Connection Reports
Get history reports to monitor where your phone sends data and which domains are blocked. Connection Reports are only available on your device.
✓ Security Scan
Detect spyware, apps with critical privacy permissions, and apps that communicate with data trackers or suspicious domains. Check if your phone is rooted!
✓ Mute Microphone
Don’t let any app or spyware record your conversations without your knowledge. Make your phone’s security a priority!
✓ Anti theft Alarm
Protect your phone’s security with charger removal detection.

Malloc VPN: Privacy & Security v2.08 Premium Mod Apk


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