Morph’s Apps & Tools 15.07.2022 + Activator

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It’s that time again folks..

…and Just in time for the weekend for anyone wanting to restore or reinstall…

Morph’s_Apps & Tools_15.07.2022

I have removed the themes folder as it was getting a bit big.. in excess of 4gb on its own.

Activation Tools
Antivirus Tools
Backup-Recovery Tools
Compression Tools
Defrag Tools
Driver Tools
File Listers
Image Viewers
Internet Tools
ISO Tools
Mobile Tools
Network Tools
System Tools
Video Tools
Win Update Tools

A few of these might give virii warnings but thats purely due to the content or subject matter 

All files are safe to use. I use a lot of these myself.

I’ve added a text file with the complete file listing to my gog drive:
List of what’s included – << click the link to view

Enjoy & have an awesome weekend 

ps. I’m currently working on my next windows 10/11 releases..

Morph's Apps & Tools 15.07.2022 + Activator


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